Not all the baby animals look like their parents. In fact, its sometimes very hard to digest the fact that they are same species! They give birth to some freakish babies – so weird, so yuck! – I bet you are not gonna believe it. See for yourself.

Elephant Sharks:


Most sharks are sleek, smooth, ravenous killing machines.But the elephant shark doesn’t seem like one of “nature’s perfect predators” (it rather seems like what happens when fish cousins mate).They are very far from terrifying. They’ve got this mentally disabled Dumbo look that rather makes them look comforting. But there is one area where elephant sharks surpass in horror – THEIR EGGS.

Their eggs are so weird that if no one tells you, you won’t be able to recognise them as eggs because they don’t look like one at all.

elephant shark eggelephant shark eggs

These fishes can be found in the world’s most ridiculously evil continent, yah right, Australia. In their breeding season, the females lay their weird egg capsules that can take up to eight months to hatch. She leaves them in waters shallow enough for unsuspecting tourists like us to squish them between our toes.



Cute, cuddly, giant stuffed animals, etc., etc., are surely the first thoughts that come to your mind when you see a panda even if you know that they are immensely powerful and could snatch away your life in just a heartbeat. But of course, still there is something in that patchy face that says he wouldn’t do it purposely, and would no doubt feel bad afterwards. Well, well, well…these wonderfully cute pandas don’t start out that way.

panda babypanda-baby

They are not fluffy or black and white ball of adorable cuteness. They are more like somebody stitched creepy little baby arms into the body of worms.Those subterranean mole-weights are, of course, pandas fresh from the womb.

Owl Moths:

owl moth

Meet them. They are harmless to anything that isn’t a mixture of nutrient-enriched fluid because that is exactly what comprises most of it’s diet. These slender creatures couldn’t take any sensibilities, no matter how delicate. You must be thinking it to be most likely even more harmless and inoffensive as a baby. But to your surprise something very venomous and dangerous is waiting in your garden to turn your tomatoes into a total shit.

owl moth caterpillar

Well, incredibly, this poisonous monster is the caterpillar version of the delicate, harmless, gentle owl moth. And God those corkscrewing horrifying stalks coming out of their head – also called the modified tubercles, aren’t just for show. When pestered, these raise up and wave them around threateningly, which should be more than enough to put birds with accelerated heart rate, into full cardiac arrest. These “supervillains” were first discovered on the edges of a volcanic crater on Italy’s Mount Vulture.

Three-Spot Moth:

three spot moth

Look at its fuzzy little legs and the spotted wings-something which it is known for. These three brown spots on each of its wings make it a stylish little dude. Now, where did it come from?

three spot caterpillar

Again this scary, horrifying, dirty caterpillar version of the stylish moth. Do you see those wobbly things dangling off the end of these terrifying creatures there? Well, those are discarded heads. And to be precise, its own heads. This caterpillar actually retains its old head capsules from previous moults and keeps them attached around to the body by long white hairs. Weird, isn’t it?

This literal headdress assists the caterpillar with passive camouflage, but in a pinch it uses them defensively as well. Whenever the three-spot caterpillar feels threatened, it'll start violently thrashing around, causing the heads to rattle and bounce intimidatingly.

Zebra Fish:


Well, this sure is a fish. One can easily make this out by looking at its shape. Go on, look at its babies too.


By now, you must have got pretty much used to this weirdness. And you know what? Scientists love these little guys because these creatures have regenerative abilities like wolverines, that allow them to regrow their fins, tails, hearts, and even brains!








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